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Efecto Venturi

f2f Hidráulica #18, Principio de Bernoulli #2, Efecto Venturi

El efecto Venturi consiste en que un fluido en movimiento dentro de un conducto cerrado disminuye su presión cuando aumenta la velocidad al pasar por una zona de sección menor. En ciertas condiciones, cuando el aumento de velocidad es muy grande, se llegan a producir presiones negativas y entonces, si en este punto del conducto se introduce el extremo de otro conducto, se produce una aspiración del fluido de este conducto, que se mezclará con el que circula por el primer conducto. Este efecto, demostrado en 1797, recibe su nombre del físico italiano Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746-1822).

En este f2f puedes ver en que consiste el efecto venture y algunos ejemplos de aplicación práctica.

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Solución al cálculo de consumos en capuz de rescate

Sigue leyendo Solución al cálculo de consumos en capuz de rescate

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Temario libre de bomberos, CEIS Guadalajara

En este f2f os presento el temario de bomberos del CEIS de Guadalajara. Es un temario libre bajo licencia Creative Commons de mejor que he visto por internet, sin duda un gran trabajo por parte de este Cuerpo de Bomberos.

Es una buena opción si estás preparando oposiciones para acceder a los distintos cuerpos de bomberos españoles o si estás preparando algún tipo de capacitación en algún país latinoamericano.

Sigue leyendo Temario libre de bomberos, CEIS Guadalajara

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Are you interesting in improving your HAZMAT knowledge?

This software is very interesting to train or improve your knowledge in hazardous materials emergencies, furthermore we will contribute to increase industrial safety.

The main target of this software is to improve your knowledge in road hazardous material accidents, and  moreover you will be able to prove your skills in all kind of accidents.

I recommend it for emergency teams as a training, because it is very important to keep your knowledge up in this kind of situations, it could save lives.

You can download the spanish versión here:

To get other language version you have to contact aself.

In this video you can see a Demo of HazMat 4.0.


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Second point to consider in fires of steel-framed buildings (3/11)

Emergency Response Plan

If we have knowledge about the emergency response plan we will be able to know where the hazardous areas are and what kind of materials are there accumulate inside the structure and we will know the protection fire system implemented in that area.

The first step when developing an emergency response plan is to conduct a risk assessment to identify potential emergency scenarios. An understanding of what can happen will enable you to determine resource requirements and to develop plans and procedures to prepare the building. The emergency plan should be consistent with your performance objectives.

At the very least, every facility should develop and implement an emergency plan for protecting employees, visitors, contractors and anyone else in the facility. This part of the emergency plan is called “protective actions for life safety” and includes building evacuation (“fire drills”), sheltering from severe weather such as tornadoes, “shelter-in-place” from an exterior airborne hazard such as a chemical release and lockdown. Lockdown is protective action when faced with an act of violence.




The emergency response plan it’s an alive document, it means this document is always being updated by the responsible and the emergency services have to participate actively. This let emergency services have a deep knowledge of the situation in case of emergency.

But, what are the most important questions are we going to ask ourselves in steel-framed buildings to develop the emergency response plan?

  1. Fire load inside the structure and situation.
  2. Fire protection systems.

The first it’s the main point for emergency services because on this depends available time before the structure collapse.

In this link you will find an interesting guide to develop industry emergency response plans.

If you need some help with your emergency response plan don’t hesitate contact me.

Links: Ready