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Efecto Venturi

f2f Hidráulica #18, Principio de Bernoulli #2, Efecto Venturi

El efecto Venturi consiste en que un fluido en movimiento dentro de un conducto cerrado disminuye su presión cuando aumenta la velocidad al pasar por una zona de sección menor. En ciertas condiciones, cuando el aumento de velocidad es muy grande, se llegan a producir presiones negativas y entonces, si en este punto del conducto se introduce el extremo de otro conducto, se produce una aspiración del fluido de este conducto, que se mezclará con el que circula por el primer conducto. Este efecto, demostrado en 1797, recibe su nombre del físico italiano Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746-1822).

En este f2f puedes ver en que consiste el efecto venture y algunos ejemplos de aplicación práctica.

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Solución al cálculo de consumos en capuz de rescate

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10 points to consider in fires of steel-framed buildings (1/11)

The Cardington Fire Tests were a series of large-scale fire tests conducted in real steel-framed structures at the village of Cardington, Bedfordshire, England.

Funded by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions Partners in Technology, the BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering (previously the Structures in Fire Group) at the University of Edinburgh conducted the experimental series in 2000. After the test, the group conducted extensive computational and analytical studies of the behaviour of steel-framed composite structures in fire conditions. This work was undertaken in collaboration with the Corus Group and Imperial College London.

In the following video you can see a sequence of the test in 2003.



the next slides show a resume of this work and which are the hot points of this research.


This research is very important for firefighters as they can know approximately how long they will be able to stay into the structure before it collapses. But… Which are the most important points you should consider to make ready this attack? Leave your comment.


Links: Cardington test reports The Cardington and Broadgate Fires.